The New Media Encyclopedia is a trilingual English-French-German. It is a source of
information, a tool for documentary research, and a scholarly work, but also a locus of
debate on artistic practices related to the new media. The site also inventories
initiatives taken in the field of new media : exhibitions, public events, publications,
and productions.
Cette page Web utilise des cadres, mais votre explorateur ne les gère pas.
Content: Video, Video Tape,Video Installation,Cd Rom, Encyclopedia,Centre Georges
Pompidou,Museum Ludwig, Centre Pour L'image Contemporaine Saint Gervais Geneve,
Constant,Afaa,Contemporary Arts, Multimedia,Video
History,Catalogue,Arts,Collection,Performance, Body-Art,Art
Contemporain,Videoband,Enzyclopadie,Zeitgenossischen Kunst, Historischen
Serra,Sonnier,Sorin,Ulay,Vasulka,Viola,Vom Bruch,Vostell,Weiss,Wilson, Yalkut